The American Association of Port Authorities has reported that port-related projects in Baltimore, Cleveland and Miami will together receive over US$142M, or 15.7%, of the total of US$900M in grant funding for 20 projects selected by US DoT under its Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects Program, or INFRA

The three port-related projects receiving 2019 INFRA grants are:
US$125M to the Maryland Department of Transportation for Baltimore’s Howard Street railroad (CSX Transportation) tunnel, to enable double stacking of shipping containers to and from the Port of Baltimore in this crucial freight-rail corridor.
US$$9.02M to the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) for Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River bulkhead project, to replace dilapidated bulkhead on the Cuyahoga River Ship Channel and prevent a collapse of Franklin Hill along Irishtown Bend (see NOACA picture, left). This is a key economic and environmental protection funding initiative for the Port of Cleveland, which worked in coordination with NOACA to secure the INFRA grant
US$8.04M to PortMiami for its Seaboard Marine Terminal rehabilitation and expansion, which is the second year in a row this PortMiami terminal project will get an INFRA grant. Last year it received US$7M for a new gate complex.
Two other INFRA grants, notes AAPA, will go to projects that, while not directly related to ports, will help alleviate traffic congestion for improved freight movement. One is a US$125M award to the Alabama Department of Transportation to construct a new, six-lane, cable-stayed I-10 bridge across the Mobile River channel near the Port of Mobile. The other is a US$10.516M award to the Southeast Arkansas Economic Development District to rehabilitate a 91.3-mile continuous short-line railroad between McGehee, Ark., and Tallulah, La.
Source: WorldCargo News